Does Air Duct Cleaning Improve Airflow? - A Comprehensive Guide

Cleaning air ducts can be a great way to enhance air circulation and quality in your home. Dust, pet hair, dander, and even mold can accumulate in the ducts over time, blocking airflow and reducing the efficiency of your heating and cooling system. While there is no proof that regular air duct cleaning improves efficiency or contributes to health benefits, it can help eliminate build-up and open them for optimal airflow. Properly sealed and installed air ducts should rarely require cleaning, but if necessary, be sure to hire someone who is experienced and uses the latest technology for cleaning to avoid problems.

The air ducts circulate hot and cold air through a series of interconnected tubes from the heating and cooling systems to supply the ventilation grilles of the different rooms. Any major blockage created in the air ducts that impede airflow is likely to increase energy costs over time. Air conditioning and boiler air filters need to be changed regularly, but if you notice that they are dirtier than usual when you are going to change them or you observe that you change them more often, this could be a sign that there is a buildup of dust and dirt in the ducts. Ongaro and Sons does its best to guarantee that all heating, ventilation and air conditioning ducts are aligned, which benefits your health and your pocket.

Keep in mind that the easier it is for air to flow through air ducts, the easier it will be for the system to get that air into your living spaces. Although the ducts are usually round, they can take all kinds of shapes depending on the route the ducts have to follow through the house to properly disperse and return the air conditioner. There is no evidence to support the notion that cleaning air ducts prevents health problems or, on its own, causes your HVAC system be more efficient. Equally important as the pre-cleaning inspection of the ducts is to determine if there is asbestos, which is a problem in older facilities.

Air duct cleaning is a maintenance service offered by some HVAC companies, with the promise of cleaner air and better HVAC system efficiency. For most homeowners, cleaning air ducts is not a necessary measure, unless there is evidence of rodents or mold or if the vents are clogged due to the presence of debris. Dirty air ducts force the heating and cooling system to work harder, using more energy to operate less efficiently. All of these types of ducts include sheet metal distribution cables that help direct airflow correctly to different areas of the house, shock absorbers that balance airflow to properly distribute airflow, sealants, straps and adhesive tape to properly secure ducts.

Having trusted duct cleaning professionals clean ducts can improve air quality in the home, as it helps reduce allergens, dust accumulation, pet dander, etc. Consider adding or upgrading your air purification system once odors have been eliminated to help keep the air in your home clean and healthy. Cleaning your home's HVAC ducts can be beneficial if done correctly by experienced professionals with modern technology.

Josie Mccorkle
Josie Mccorkle

Passionate pop culture fan. Freelance social media guru. Passionate creator. Extreme internet buff. Total pop culture fanatic.